
Celebrating Women and Coffee
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Celebrating Women and Coffee

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Celebrating Women and Coffee

In many countries coffee is one of the main sources of income for women to feed their families. This March we want to celebrate all the hard working women who grow, pick, process and produce the delicious coffees we send out into the world. We know how hard it can be, especially with all the unpaid work women are responsible for. We also know how important it is to have freedom over ones time, saftey and finances. It is our hope at Thanksgiving Coffee Company that all the women working in coffee can live happy and healthy lives.

Ethiopian Coffee Farmer

In order to bring the balance of labour and earned income for women, there is still a long way to go. The gender equality report from the International Coffee Organization found that 70% of labour in coffee production is provided by women, however, women have systematically lower access to resources, land, credit and information, and that keeps the women in a state of poverty.

Nepal- Women Sorting Himalayan ArabicaCoffee

El Salvador - Women Sorting Coffee


Congo - Coffee Farmer and Mother

An estimated 72% of unpaid care work in households globally is done by women.

Uganda- Mirimbe Kawamera Farmer and Mother

Thanksgiving has been fostering empowerment for women and working with our importer Etico to achieve gender equality with the Soppexcca Co-op since 2013. We have now been able to raise over $40,000 and give into the fund to support women coffee farmers for financial stability and resources for education and growth towards a better life.

Nicaragua, Soppexcca Co-op memeber planting coffee

Read more about our support for the women of Soppexcca:

"Recognizing the Value of Womens Unpaid Work".

Celebrate the Women Coffee Farmers of Soppexcca

You can support the women of SOPPEXCCA, and the great community they cultivate together by purchasing their coffee here.

Lavender Grace is the Sustainable Ecology Advocate for Thanksgiving Coffee Company and Consultant for the Honey Hive of Mendocino.